




Empathic. Holistic. Discerning. Innovative. Impactful.






Empathic. Holistic. Discerning. Innovative. Impactful.

A voice for healing & transformation

Jason Craige Harris works in a variety of contexts, with a range of age groups, and across sectors to promote cultures of dignity, belonging, and repair. He brings together insights from diverse fields as a strategist, conflict mediator, crisis manager, dialogue expert, and leadership coach. He is a thought leader on issues related to othering, belonging, healing, and community well-being. He regularly advises leaders and everyday people on how to create environments where everyone can thrive––and what to do when things go awry. 

“As a person of faith and democratic commitment, I long for ways of being, relating, and organizing life that honors the dignity of all and that cherishes the planet we call home. I long for us to have the skill and will to repair. Tikkun Olam. Imagine that world, here and now, where when we inevitably violate dignity, we acknowledge the harm, take steps to repair it, and change our behavior. I long for us to become wise.”


"Jason has a knack for helping mission-driven organizations put their values into practice, starting from the inside. He brings a fresh perspective that helps teams turn daunting challenges into simpler steps that they can take together as part of a clear, cohesive strategy."

 - Manish Bapna, President and CEO of the Natural Resources Defense Council

“Working with Jason helped me, and our organization, feel supported, seen and smarter about some of the most complex issues we had to unravel. He is equal parts strategist, scholar, and counselor. And while I turned to him for his leadership, I deeply appreciated his collaborative and generous spirit. We are stronger as a community for the work we did with him.”

 - Ann Shoket, CEO, TheLi.st